IndoBanner Exchanges

Friday, February 15, 2008

American adore seafood, and are eating more and more of it every year, seafood evokes memories of shrimping, crabbing and watching fishermen return with their catches. It is these happy memories which contribute to many people’s love of seafood. What other valuable food is available in such variety?

Nothing tastes quite like fresh seafood, it is naturally tender and will only toughen if overcooked. There is such a tremendous variety of seafood available that it makes sense to learn more about this crucial source of nutrients and how it can best be incorporated into a diet which will please the whole family.

Fish is a wonderful food which is high in body building protein and low in calories. White fish contains practically no fat, whilst oily fish varies in fat content from 0.5 % - 20 % and contains the sort of fatty acids which doctors believe may actually assist in preventing coronary heart disease.

Fish also contains almost no carbohydrate and is an excellent source of vitamins, and oily fish is particulary high in the fat soluble vitamin A and D, thiamin and riboflavin.

With all these important benefits to boast of, it is obvious why more use should be made of this easy- to-obtainnfood which is bith delicious and nutritious. Sadly, many people have misconceptions about fish and shellfish, believing it is dificult to prepare and cook. This is just not true, follow the instructions given in the following pages and the and diferent methods ofpreparing and cooking will becaome surprisingly simple.

One of the most common complaints about fish is that it smells. A famous chef once said "fish should smell like the tide. Once they smell like like fish, it's too late." So make sure when you buy fhis that it has a wonderful " straight from the shore" aroma and is moist and fresh

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